
Welcome to our first blog page:  This will hopefully provide a method for sharing information and requests that can be easily viewed by anyone with a site account.  Bear with me while I learn to use this.

Bob P.

3 thoughts on “Welcome

  1. Lawrence Dube

    My guys will be getting the place HUNT READY sept 12th – 14th . Feeders filled timers set any repairs that need to be done. If any of you know of things that need fixing let me know. We will go again in Oct. to top off feeders and check out things to make sure that every things are A-1 shape for all.

  2. Lawrence Dube

    We put in another 21bags of corn to fill all feeders Repaired one feeder that wasn’t working and cut back time on some feeders .all of Tommys grain is planted and up in there fields nothing is up on our place and may not even planted. With high fence on the north side of the place and no green fields on our place deer hunting on our place could be a little slow. Bob see if you can get Tommy to mow yard . He always did it before. We would have cut it but didn’t have any thing to mow with.

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